there is no
objective reality
when you're living
inside of it
We are the youth of the Doom Generation—  individuals denying our presented society in favor of building an evolved version of it. Accepting of two contradictory versions of reality and choosing to be present in both. Finding it impossible to ignore the smell of failure coming from existing societal structures, we believe the system is futile and prefer to blow it off for a life rejecting established values.
Shot on a Canon 814XL Super 8 with Kodak Vision3 200T / 500T film

Featuring Vanillatine
Original music by P3T3 Rango + CAS
We’ve attempted to catch ourselves before sinking into something resembling disenfranchisement. The illusion of choice can only comfort us for so long before “our freedom” is a statement no longer spoken. If the majority of our governing world [the collective herd] were also this obsessed with creating a life based on transparency, we wouldn’t be marginalized for our genuine cultural resistance. Or our preoccupations with building utopian social architecture.
The embrace of our on-chain world is about building away from the lunatic fringe consumed by most people. Most people, who we believe, would never consider building an alternate universe. They call it ‘digital anarchy’, we call it the new tangible. We’re driven by a desire to truly walk the earth— to walk out of the narrative in which we’ve been labeled mere cogs. Our desires for truth and autonomy are part of the causal chain that leads to a new normal.
A dark night of the soul that was recorded in essay form, became the subject of a film shoot-- and inspired its creator to cement it digitally.

Read the full Doom Generation essay here
film+photo+design+code by losingmyego

Featuring Vanillatine
Original Music by P3T3 Rango + CAS
Minting experience powered by
Our desires for truth and autonomy are part of the causal chain that leads to a new normal.
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tap on the image if i don't load fully
tap on the image if i don't load fully
tap on the image if i don't load fully
tap on the image if i don't load fully
tap on the image if i don't load fully
tap on the image if i don't load fully